This smiling couple pictured here, Wendy and David Friedman, has graced several scripts on this web sites as we sometimes follow their adventures in doing Israeli dance around the world. Previously we have created scripts pertaining to their Israeli vacation and the Machol Yom cruise.|Wendy e David Friedman, la coppia sorridente che vediamo in queste foto, sono stati spesso I protagonist di questo sito web. Noi seguiamo le loro avventure di ballo in tutto il mondo. Precedentemente, abbiamo scritto delle loro vacanze in Israele, e poi in crociera di “Machol Yam.”
Wendy is an exercise/dance instructor in the suburbs of Philadelphia (these photos were taken of her as she led her class at Cheltenham high) and David is a family practitioner who has practiced medicine as one of three doctors in a group of practitioners for the last 35 years.|Wendy insegna l’aerobica nella periferia di Filadelfia. Queste foto erano scattate mentre Wendy insegnava la sua lezione alla scuola di Cheltenham. David e’ un medico generico e lavora da 35 anni, insieme ai suoi due soci in una attivita’ privata.
This script deals with Wendy and David's attendance at an Israeli dance camp during the summer of 2013 in what might be the most beautiful part of the world. Or at least that's what many would say. It's a part of the world that contains the remnants of glacier activity similar to what we see in the Finger Lakes region of New York. We show pictures of both areas for you to compare.|Abbiamo scritto di Wendy e David ballando in un corso estivo di ballo folkloristico Israeliano nel 2013, secondo molti,in uno dei piu’ bei posti del mondo. Questo parte del mondo contiene i resti del movimento dei ghiacciai, simile a quello che vediamo nella zona dei Lagi di New York. Mostriamo tutte e due zone per farvi paragonare.
This New York region was scarred some 12000 years ago as the glaciers receded from the last major ice age to strike the world (although it is said that a mini ice age was resident up to some 300 to 400 years ago). This map shows the results: lakes like Oswego, Conesus and Cayuga (this montage shows pictures of each) are the result. In the New York instance, the lakes are situated in a relatively level area.|La regione di New York era cambiata 12000 anni fa’ quando i ghiacciai si ritiravano dalla glaciazione (percio’ dicono che c’era u una mini-glaciazione 300-400 anni fa’) La carta geografica mostre i risultati di quello, i lagi Osego, Conesus e Cayuga. Nell’esempio di quelli di New York, i laghi occupano una zona piuttosto livella.
Our attention for this script will be focused across the Atlantic into the middle of the European continent where today three counties border each other. This is the southern Alps where Switzerland, Austria and Italy come together. In essence they have a finger lake region encompassing the area between lake Geneva and lake Garda (and including Lake Como). These Lakes also apparently are the remnants of glacier activity but the area is far from level. This is, after all, the land of the Alps. The images in this montage are from Wikipedia.|Ora notiamo dall’altra parte dell’Atlantico, in mezzo del continente Europeo in cui tre paesi si incrocciano. Questa e’ la regione sud degli Alpi, dove la Svizzera, L’Austria, e L’Italia si incontrano . Possiamo paragonare I Finger Lakes di New York con i laghi di Genevra, di Garda e di Como. Tutti quanti evvidentemente sono i resti della glaciazione ma la zona e’ altro che livella. Questa zona e’ la zona degli Alpi.
While the borders have been somewhat stable over the last century, it was not always the case. Besides these three countries, this area was claimed by the Netherlands, France and Spain at one time or the other. In fact, almost in a regular cycle what we know as the Northern Italian country side was swapped between the Austrian empire and the kingdom forerunners of what has become the country of Italy. This might answer a question that recently arose at the Philaldelphia Opera company's rendition of Nabucco. Nabucco is Italian for Nebuchadnezzar and this opera, by Verdi, deals with Nebuchednezzer's plot to kill all the Jews in his kingdom. The opera was first performed in 1840 in Milan, occupied by Austrian troops at the time. Verdi used this tale as an analogy to how Northern Italy was suffering with the Austrian occupation. Those who attended the Academy of Music in September for performances of this opera might have been surprised by the appearance of Austrian uniformed soldiers accompanying several opera patrons to their seats in the mezzanine prior to the performance. (We should note that in 2012 a Minnesota production had staged Nabucco in a similar manner). This was the Philadelphia opera company's way of acknowledging the political considerations when Nabucco made its debut in Milan at that time. Generally skirmishes every few years would result in a redrawing of the border as the provinces (then kingdoms) of Lombardy (in Italian spelled as Lombardi) and Venetia would move back and forth between Austrian and Italian rule. After Italy was united in the 1860's, skirmishes now were between the Austrian Empire and the Italian government with the last big change occurring during World War I as the losers, the Austrian Hungarian empire, ceded territory to Italy as part of the peace settlement that also dissolved the Austrian Hungarian empire into a slew of states. As Italy and Austria were on the same side in World War two, border changes were minimal when peace was restored although Italy did lose some sovereignty in the Trieste area as a result of the ending of that war.|Da un secolo, I confini sono rimasti piuttosto stabili, ma non era sempre il caso. Questi tre paesi appartenevano ai Paesi Bassi, alla Francia, ed alla Spagna da tempo in tempo. Infatti, spesso la zona del Nord Italia faceva parte della Austria, e il regno storico che ora si chiama L’Italia.Possibilmente questa e’ la spiegazione del mistero nella presentazione di Nabucco alla Academia della Musica poco tempo fa’. In questa opera di Verdi, Nabucco cercava di uccidere tutti gli Ebrei nel regno. L’opera era presentato per la prima volta nel 1840 a Milano. Chi andava a vedere le presentazioni di questa opera nel Settembre scorso, avrebbe potuto essere sorpreso nel vedere la prezenza di soldati Austriani in divisa, seduti al balcone all’ inizio dello spettacolo. Il motivo per questo era per mostrare che l’ambiente a Milano in quel epoca in cui l’opera era presentata per la prima volta, era dominato dai Austriani. I confini delle provincie (in quel periodo dei regni) erano spesso cambiati dopo vari battagli tra il regno Italiano e quello Austriano, nelle zone del Veneto e della Lombardia.Dopo l’unificazione dell’Italia nel 1865, I battagli erano tra l’impero Austriano e il governo Italiano. L’ultimo grande cambiamento succedeva durante la prima guerra mondiale, i risultati era di consegnare dall’impero Austriano il territorio all’Italia per fare una tregua, e di dissolvere l’impero in tanti piccoli stati. Siccome L’italia e L’Austria facevano parte dello stesso partito nella seconda guerra mondiale, i cambiamenti dei confini erano pochi al periodo della tregua. L’italia, pero’ ha perso controllo nella zona di Trieste dopo la fine di quella guerra.
Lake Geneva has been a part of Switzerland and has not seen as much political change. It is best known as the playground of Lord Byron the poet and his entourage consisting generally of ladies interested in Byron's poetry and attention. Byron, after all, was the leader of what became known as the romantic movement. One such woman, Mary Shelley, imagined the creation of a monster as she looked out along this lake one evening and the legend of Frankenstein was born.|Lago di Genevra sempre appartiene alla Svizzera e non ha suberito molti cambiamenti politici. E’ molto famoso per il poeta Lord Byron e il suo “entourage” di donne, tifose non solo per la poesia di Byron, ma pure per il poeto stesso. Una di queste donne, Mary Shelley, ha creato un mostro mentre guardava al lago e cosi’ la legenda di Frankenstien e’ nata.
Speaking of children born, one of Byron's children and apparently the only one legitimate at that, was the mathematician and supposedly first computer programmer Ada Lovelace who would go on to fame, although not much fortune, with her involvement with Charles Babbage's works including his attempted development of a difference engine, what we would today call a computer. Please do not get Ada confused with another famous Lovelace, Linda, whose fame would come from the movie "Deep Thoat" which no doubt Lord Byron would have enjoyed viewing but was not in any way involved with.|Parlando dei figli nati, uno di Byron e forse l’unico legitimo, era un matmatico e forse il primo informatico, Ada Lovelace, chi dopo diventirebbe famosa ma sicuramente no ricca dopo essere coinvolta con I lavori di Charles Babbage, un motoro “difference” che oggi si chiamerebbe un computer. Per favore, non confondere Ada con l’altra famosa Lovelace, Linda, chi e’ diventata famosa dopo il suo ruolo nel film “Deep Throat” che senz’altro sarebbe piaciuto a Lord Byron.
Heading east from Lake Geneva we would happen upon Lake Como. Como was the stomping grounds of one of Byron's contemporaries, Lord Shelly, whose second wife is the aforementioned author of Frankenstein. To be fair, Shelley lived in many cities throughout Italy during his lifetime. Keeping track of his travels is like reading a travel guide through Western Europe. However, returning our discussion to Lake Como, this lake is considered the most beautiful lake in the world by many experts in travel and leisure. It has always been an attraction for those touring the northern areas of Italy and many people have vacationed there or built second homes in the area. Even fictional characters have been based in this region by their authors: This web site has been reminded by one of the local Israeli dancers that one such fictional character is the arch criminal Ernst Starvo Blofeld who flees to the Hotel Metropole in Belaggio (on the coast of lake Como) at the end of "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" which is one of several books involving some famous fictional character.|Andando alladirezione est dal Lago di Genevra, troviamo Lago di Como. In questa zona si trovavano i contemporanei di Byron, Lord Shelly, la cui seconda moglie era l’autore di Frankenstein. Shelley abitava in tante diverse citta’ Italiane. Seguendo la sua vita e’ come leggere una guida turistica dell’ovest di Europa.
Lago di Como e’ considerato il piu’ bel lago nel mondo da tanti esperti di viaggi. Ha sempre attirato i turisti del nord d’Italia e tantissimi persone vanno li’ o per le vacanze, o per costruire una casa di vacanza nella zona. Anche personaggi di fizione erano creati appartenendo a questa regione. Ci portano in mente il personaggio criminale Ernst Starvo Blofeld, chi fuggiva all’Hotel Metropole di Bellagio alla fine di “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service,” uno di tanti libri in cui e’ coinvolto questo personaggio.
Heading further east we would encounter Lake Garda, the largest freshwater lake in Italy, where this script takes place. It has also seen its share of history. It is the scene of one if not more Roman battles against Germanic tribes. In a more recent time it played a significant part. Prior to World War II, Italy was dominated by the fascists under Benito Mussolini. Mussolini was ousted from power over all of Italy in 1943 and eventually ended up in the Lake Garda region where he established the republic of Salo (Salo is a coastal town across this lake from Brenzone which is marked on the leftmost picture) as a vassal to Hitler's Germany. This did not go on for long as Mussolini was captured and executed as the war ended in 1945 bringing also the end of the Salo rump state. Our further discussion of events at Garda will definitely have a happier beginning and ending to be sure. Garda is the background of the Israeli dance camp, Camp Yofi, run annually by Roberto Bagnoli. This montage consists of the location of the camp (Brenzone, at the red tack), the camp's logo, a view of its website at and the announcement of the 2013 camp on|Andando sempre ancora est, troviamo Lago di Garda, il piu’ grande lago dell’Italia. Scriviamo di questo posto. Garda e’ il piu’ grande lago di acqua dolce, e ha fatto parte di molta storia. Prima della seconda guerra mondiale, L’Italia era dominata dai fascisti sotto Benito Mussolini. Mussolini era sconfitto nel 1943 e evventualmente andava alla zona di Lago di Garda dove ha stabilito la republica di Sola come un vassallo alla Germania di Hitler. Non e’ durato molto, siccome mussolini era catturato e ucciso alla fine della guerra nel 1945, simultaneamente finendo lo stato di Sola.
Nel discuttere piu’ profondamente gli evvenimenti a Garda, risultera’ sicuramente con un inizio e una fine molto piu’ felici. Garda e’ pure lo sfondo del corso di ballo Israeliano, Camp Yofi, gestito annualmente da Roberto Bagnoli.
Over the years the camp has been hosted by and housed in a location designated as the Garda Family House which you can virtually visit by clicking here. This is a facility that is a sort of religious retreat run by the Little Sisters Of The Sacred Family. Their web site indicates that the center is open for patrons to relax and pray in a comfortable environment but we expect that the dance visitors have other things on their mind. The official location is the municipality of Brenzone that borders the lake also giving spectacular views.|Da tanti anni il camp succede nella Garda Family House, che potete visitare virtualmente nel clikkare qua: Questa casa di solito era creata come una casa di ritiro religioso gestita dai Suori della Sacra Famiglia. Il loro sito web indica che il centro e’ aperto per il relax e per pregare nel ambiente comodo , ma forse i ballerini abbiano altre idee.La casa si trova nella zona di Brenzone al bordo del lago con le viste meravigliose.
This year (2013) camp Yofi ran from Friday, July 6th through Monday July 9th. For the most part, the participants were dancers from Italy, but there was at least two from the United States, our own Wendy and David. No doubt there are airports in the vicinity but we have been told that the couple flew from Philadelphia to Venice, hopped on a train to Verona, which is situated somewhat east of the base of the lake, took a bus to Riva Del Garda which is situated at the top of the lake where they stayed over for the night and returned by bus along the eastern coast of Garda to Brenzone in time to register for the class that Friday.
You, the reader, may have heard about Verona, whose train terminal was the Friedman's arrival from Venice, in another manner. Supposedly this is the setting for Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet". We don't know whether Wendy and David found any Montaques or Capulets, but Verona would have offered the Friedmans a visit to a Roman arena - you might call it the Verona version of the famed Coliseum in Rome where even today public events are staged - although we doubt whether Wendy or David had the time to pursue this on their trip.|Chi legge questo brano, forse conosce Verona, la cui stazione ferroveria era proprio dove la famiglia Friedman e’ arrivata da Venezia. Verona e’ l’ambiente di Giulietta e Romeo di Shakespeare. Non sapiamo se Wendy e David trovassero qualche Montague o Capulet, ma Verona avrebbe offerto ai Friedman almeno una visita ad una Arena Romana, la versione veronese del famoso colloseo di Roma, in cui fino ad oggi gli spettacoli sono presentati. Pero, dubbimo se Wendy e David avessero il tempo di andarli’ durante questo viaggio.
On the other hand, we have been informed that the Friedman's spent the night before the camp in Riva Del Garda (which may mean Shore of Lake Garda in English). The town is situated at the top of the lake and is known for its beauty and watersports. We think the pictures indicated here were taken during this part of the trip. And notice the touches that make up old world European charm including outdoor cafes and dining (remember it is summer at this point and questions would arise about outdoor dining in winter) and sole proprietor produce shops. Obviously being on the lake as indicated, water recreation is also in ample supply. And. Notice the mountains: this is the alps!|Pero, noi sappiamo che I Friedman passava la “vigilia” del camp a Riva del Garda. Il villaggio e’ situato in cima al lago ed e’ famoso per la sua bellezza e gli sport acquatici. Pensiamo che le foto indicate qua, fossero scattate durante questo parte del viaggio. Nottiamo i tocchi che creano il fascino europeo con i suoi cafe’ al fresco, (e’ l’estate a questo punto ed altrimente ci sarebbe dubbio sul cenare al fresco nel inverno), e negozi piccoli di proprieta’ esclusiva. Ovviamente trovandosi al lago , vediamo un bel po’ degli sport acquatici, e notiamo bene le montagni...questi sono gli Alpi!
However, we now join the couple on Friday, around midday, as they register for the Israeli dance camp. This camp has been in existence for at least 9 years (Lee Friedman, Sharon Polsky and Ellen Weber attended the same camp in 2005) and is administered by Roberto Bagloni who also is the dance instructor for the weekend. This camp specializes in Israeli dance. A sister camp, Balkanot, also run by Bagnoli, may be the only camp to combine Israeli and Balkan dancing and takes place exactly 6 months earlier (or later depending on your view) at the same location. This montage shows scenes from both camps over the years.|Allora, ora vediamo la coppia al Venerdi’, a mezzogiorno, mentre si iscrivano per il corso Israeliano/Italiano di ballo. Da almeno 9 anni camp Yofi presenta questo corso. Lee friedman, Sharon Polsky ed Ellen Weber hanno partecipato a questo camp almeno 6 anni fa, il corso gestito da Roberto Bagnoli, chi e’ l’insegnante per tutto il weekend.
Why is there such demand for his services as a dance instructor at a workshop? In asking our local dancers who have experienced Roberto as an instructor, we received unanimous reviews on his teaching ability which has been honed to perfection over the last 20 or so years. Even a possible language gap has not been a detriment to any review. But, even if it was, one should be aware that Wendy is fluent in Italian if this was to become an issue. (And, by the way, this allows us the opportunity to give credit to Wendy for the translation from English to Italian that will accompany this script)|Perche’ I suoi servizi come insegnante di ballo al corso sono cosi’ desiderati? Nel chiedere i nostri ballerini locali chi hanno studiato da Roberto, abbiamo ricevuto una critica unanimamente positivi su il suo dono di insegnamente perfetto negli ultimi 20 anni. Ci avrebbe potuto essere una barriere di lingua, ma non era il caso, ma anche se potesse essere il caso, Wendy l’avrebbe superata nel capire l’Italiano (Infatti, tradusce dall’Inglese all’Italiano questa storia.)
Anyway, on Friday morning, the Friedmans check in and it's time for the first meal of the camp, a lunch to greet everyone. This is not going to be what we typically in the United States expect from Italian food. Our Italian food generally has its origins in the south of that country including Sicily. Red sauces predominate. But this is the area of Italy that caters to continental cuisine. White sauces are the rule. This montage shows several regional favorites as found on the internet.|In ogni caso, Venerdi’ mattina, I Friedman si iscrive e subito vanno a pranzo per incontrare il gruppo. Il cibo di questa zona non e’ del genere che sterotipicamente pensiamo noi Americani del cibo “Italiano.” Il cibo Italiano che molti conoscono negli stati Uniti, origine della cucina del sud d’Italia, in cui troviamo spesso il famoso sugo di pomodoro. Pero, in questa zona la cucina e’ piu’ del nord d’Italia e troviamo diversi altri sugi .
After the lunch, there is some dance warmup and the first of the classes. In the three days, some fourteen dances will have been taught by Roberto and several of these are shown, demonstrated and practiced on the dance floor at this point. The rest of the day will be dinner and dancing into the night.|Dopo pranzo, si inizia il corso con un po’ di allenamento e poi la prima lezione. Nei tre giorni seguenti, Roberto ha insegnato 14 balli nuovi, alcuni di questi sono mostrati qua’. La giornata continua fino alla notte, prima con la cena e poi nel ballare fino alle ore piccole.
As with many camps, one of the lunches or dinners ends up being a type of barbecue as we would know it in this country. So we see some outdoor pictures of this affair. Wendy and David are shown imbibing on another advantage of this location ? wine. We don't know if these drinks are soaves or bardolinos, but from their faces we can assume that it was enjoyable.|Come succede a molti camp, per l’ora di cocktail, si fa al fresco. Wendy e David si divertono e bevono gli Aperol Spritz!
On Monday, July 9th, the Friedmans reverse the trip somewhat (with several detours in the itinerary) as they fly home having enjoyed the scenery, the food, the wine and especially the dance camp. No doubt during the trip back to the States Wendy is reviewing the dances taught because she has established another habit that she will pursue when back in the Philadelphia area. And, so what is normal behavior for Wendy when she returns? Asking Grant, who runs the Germantown session that we cover on this website, to introduce several of the dances learned at any camp she visits. And this is how Me'ever Lamasach and Sodot have become part of the Germantown repertoire since the summer of 2013. The pictures here show Me'ever Lamasach being danced by the Germantown circle one Sunday in the Fall of 2013.|Lunedi’, il 9 Luglio, la famiglia Friedman stanno pian piano tornando a casa con I bei ricordi sia dell’ambiente, il cibo, il vino, il corso di ballo. Senza dubbio, durante il viaggio di ritorno Wendy gia sta facendo un ripasso in mente ai nuovi balli percio’ lei ha stabilito un altro abitudine di cui parleremo quando parliamo di Filadelfia. Allora cos’e’ “Normale” per Wendy quando torna a Filadelfia? Chiede a Grant chi insegna il nostro gruppo a Germantown (di cui parliamo pure in questo sito), di presentare qualche ballo che lei ha imparato in qualsiasi camp in cui ha studiato. Ed allora cosi’ “Me’ever Lamasach” e “Sodot” sono diventati balli importantissimi nel repertoire di Germantown dopo l’estate di 2013. Nelle foto vediamo il primo ballo, Me’ever Lamasach, ballato dai ballerini di Germantown una Domenica mattina nell’autuno di 2013.